The following opinions expressed in this post are my own and in no way connected to my employer.
Common type of files:
a) Ordinary/General File : text/data/instructions/scripts
b) Directories : same as folders
c) Special Files : shortcuts/aliases
Listing files:
ls : list all files and directory
ls -l : list all information about the files
ls -ltr : list all information and sort them in reverse order of time
drwxrwxrwx 2 user group 4004 Dec 22 10:40 file.txt
col 1 col 2 col 3 col 4 col 5 col 6 col 6 col7
col 1 -- type and permission on file (details will follow later)
col 2 -- memory consumed (size)
col 3 -- owner of file
col 4 -- owner's group
col 5 -- file size
col 6 -- date and time
col 7 -- file/directory name
Values in Column 1 (col 1) indicate:
- regular file (text/binary/executable)
b block special file (block device file such as a physical hard drive)
c character special file
d directory
l symbolic file (acts as a shortcut)
p named pipe (mechanism for inter-process communication)
s socket used for inter-process communication
We can use wild characters for matching a pattern:
* to match 0 or more characters
? to match with single character
Hidden file are those which start with '.' (dot).
Usual examples are profile file for a user and other files which contain confidential information as ssh or shell configuration files
.profile /.bash_profile Bourne shell init script
.kshrc kourn shell init script
.cshrc c shell script
.rhosts remote shell configuration file
Creating a new file:
Using visual Editor (vi)
Eg: vi filename.txt
Press 'i' insert mode
Press 'l' move right side
Press 'h' move left side
Press 'k' move upside
Press 'j' move down
Shift + ZZ to exit from vi
:wq! to exit by saving
:q! to exit without saving
Using touch
touch filename.txt
Viewing a file:
cat filename.txt displays file content
cat filename.txt -b to display with line number
more filename.txt display some content of file (press space bar to read more or press q to exit)
view filename.txt view file in vi in read mode
Copy file:
cp filename.txt filename_copied.txt
Move file or rename a file:
mv filename.txt rename.txt --> renames a file in same directory
mv filename.txt /directory/ --> moves a file to a directory
Deleting a file:
rm filename.txt --> deletes a file
rm -rf directory/ --> deletes files and directory
Count number of lines in a file:
wc filename.txt
2 19 103 filename
col1 col2 col3 col4
col1 -- number of lines in file
col2 -- number of words in file
col3 -- number of bytes in file
col4 -- filename
Working with Directory:
cd ~ | takes to home directory of current user |
cd - | takes to previous directory |
cd /first/second/third/directory | Absolute pathname (starts from root /) |
cd fourth/fifth | Relative pathname ( starts from current directory) |
pwd | provides path of current directory |
ls -ld directory | displays directory with details |
mkdir dir | make a directory |
mkdir -p dir/dir2/dir3 | checks existence of parent directory and creates if missing |
rmdir dir | remove the directory |
File/Directory Permission:
read, write, execute read, write, execute read, write, execute
owner of file owner's group mates outside group audience
rwx -- read write execute
owner permission: determines what kind of operation can be performed on file
group permission: determines what people of same group can do on file (dba/dev)
others permission: determines what people outside ur group can do with file
Changing Permission:
chmod 777 filename/directory : gives permission on a file/directory only
chmod -R 777 directory : gives recursive permission to all files
chown user:group file : change owner/group of file owner
Number and their significance in giving permission:
0 no permission ---
1 execute permission --x
2 write permission -w-
3 execute and write permission -wx
4 read permission r--
5 read+execute permission r-x
6 read+write permission rw-
7 all permission rwx